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2/22 PT Conference Letter

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We hope that this message finds you well as we enter the Lunar New Year Holiday and look forward to the Year of the Dragon. 

Looking ahead, on Thursday, February 22 we will be hosting our third Parent-Teacher Conference of the year. This is the third opportunity of the school year to meet with your child's teachers to discuss their academic progress this year. 

We are holding this conference in person, between 4:30 -7:00 pm. We are excited to welcome parents to campus and hope you can join us on this day. An appointment is unnecessary, and you are welcome to come and leave anytime between the allocated time. 

We will also be hosting our third Parent-Teacher Association meeting of the year at 6:00 pm in Room 103, and we invite all parents to attend.  This is a great opportunity to meet and network with fellow parents, and to discuss finances and logistics related to the association. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. We are looking forward to seeing you on the Thursday after the Chinese New Year.

Kind regards,

Derek Kensinger 

Vice Principal 





另外,我們將於下午6:00 在103教室召開本年度第三次家長會,誠摯的邀請所有家長出席會議,與其他家長互動交流。加入家長會能積極參與學校事務,討論經費運用及教學支援等事務的機會,期盼您蒞臨攜手共創友善氛圍的校園。


敬祝  平安順心

副校長 Mr. Kensinger


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