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2/21 Lexia Superstar

Even though February was a short month, we would like to acknowledge the students who took time to still do their Lexia to improve their reading and grammar skills. Therefore, we would like to congratulate (from left to right) Molly Klossner, Chung Tai Lai, Hardy Chen, and Ellis Lan for moving up a level in Lexia! Keep up the great work!

二月放完年假,回到學校上課的時間儘管不長,我們仍要表揚(自左到右) Molly Klossner、Chung Tai Lai、Hardy Chen 和 Ellis Lan 利用Lexia軟體,努力學習閱讀及文法。恭喜你們取得晉級。 實在是太棒了,要繼續保持哦!

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