2/14 Global Citizenship Award
The elementary teachers have chosen a new representor for the Global Citizen Award for the month of February. This student has shown good citizenship by being generous, respectful, patient, and courageous. She values the importance of building strong, positive relationships with both her peers and teachers and has shown a lot of growth in self-awareness. HAS is proud to award Suri Liu as this month’s Global Citizen. Congratulations, Suri!
小學部老師二月份選出了一位全球公民獎得將人。 她的態度大方、懂得尊重他人、有耐心且勇於嘗試,她尊敬師長與同學相處融洽,充份將全球公民素養展現出來,很開心將全公民獎頒發給Suri,讓我們一同恭喜Suri。