11/9 Robotics Program
《Robotics Program》 HAS continues to invest in building up its robotics program. We have just received the components to construct the field and all equipment needed for VEX Robotics Competitions. Today in class, a few students began to unpack and assemble these items, while other groups of students continued working on their current iteration of robots. Every time we meet as a class, we are offering a high energy and hands-on learning environment for the students. We are very pleased and excited to be offering students everything from a fun class, to opportunities for serious competition. More photos and updates coming soon!
《手腦並用的機械人課程》 為啟發學生更多的創意,新竹美國學校在機器人課程挹注更多的經費。近期我們增購了機器人競賽場地套件及 VEX 機器人競賽組裝零件,學生們看到了都好開心,迫不及待的拆封及組裝;另一組學生則是繼續專心更新他們的機器人零件。學校努力為機器人課程打造一個高品質的實作環境,讓學生在課程中獲取知識和經驗,培養學生靈活思考與問題解決能力,並在競賽中學習合作的重要,未來相信有更多照片和資訊發佈!敬請期待