11/24 No-Shave November
No-Shave November We once again completed our annual Community Service fund-raiser known as "No-Shave November". Five teachers participated, with the one earning the most contributions needing to dye his beard. The other participants had to sport a goatee or half-beard. It is always a fun event with students getting a great laugh at their teachers' expense.
《11月不刮鬍子》愛心募款活動 今年老師們再次為社區服務,完成11月舉辦不刮鬍子募款活動。 這次有5位老師參與募款活動。 活動最後計算收到募款,募款最多的老師要染鬍子,其他的老師則必須要刮山羊鬍或是刮半邊鬍子。 今天學生們看見老師的特別造型,都笑開懷~~~ HAS的老師愛心百分百 在11月感恩的季節 帶領學生分享幸福散播愛心