11/16-17 History Fair
History Fair 《Develop Children's Public Speaking Ability》
History Fair <Develop Children's Public Speaking Ability> On Tuesday, November 16th and Wednesday, November 17th HAS had our annual History Fair. Teachers, parents and students all enjoyed watching the presentations and seeing what all the students have learned this year. All of the students did a great job!
歷史展 《培養孩子公開演說的能力》 11/16、11/17這二天是我們一年一度的歷史展。 老師、家長和學生們都很喜歡今年的歷史報告,在學生的歷史展中,我們大致瞭解他們的學習情形。看到每個孩子都竭盡全力,做出最好的演說,讓人欣慰!福孩子們都能獲得他們所期待的成績。