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11/10 PT Conference Letter

Dear Parents/Guardians,

On Thursday, November 10th we will be hosting our second Parent-Teacher Conference of the year. This is the second opportunity of the school year to meet with the teachers of your child to disucuss their academic progress this year.

Fortunately, we are able to hold this conference in person, between 4-7pm. We are very excited to welcome our parents back on campus, and hope you can join us on this day. Appointment setting is not necessary, and you are welcome to come and leave at any time between the allocated time.

We will also be hosting our first Parent-Teacher Association meeting of the year at 4:30pm, and we invite all parents to attend. This is a great opportunity to meet and network with fellow parents, and to discuss finances and logistics related to the association.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. We are looking forward to seeing you next thursday.

Kind regards,

Mitchell Hall

Associate Principal


本校訂於11 月 10 日(星期四),舉辦本年度第二次家長座談會。這將是本學年第二次與孩子任課老師面對面會談的機會。我們希望藉此,讓家長更瞭解孩子在學校的學習進展,並與您共同分享孩子的成長點滴。






副校長 Mr. Hall


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