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10/5 PTA Letter

Dear Parent/Guardians,

We had our first PTA meeting on Thursday, September 24 and we had a great turn out for it! Here are some of the things that were discussed in the meeting.

  1. Providing that the Covid restrictions allow for it, we would like to have parent judges and a parent award for the History Fair that is on November 17th and 18th.

  2. We would also like to vote on whether a member of the PTA will be handling the teacher/staff Christmas gift or if it is something that the school will take care of.

  3. We would like to elect PTA Officers for this school year in the next PTA meeting on November 11th at 4:00 PM.

We would like to have your opinion on all of these decisions so we hope to see you at our next meeting! Please let us know if you have any questions.


Mr. Murphy and Mrs. Wilson




  1. 11月17~18日舉行的歷史博覽會,在疫情趨緩限制鬆綁且遵守規定下,將邀請家長評審及增加家長獎項。

  2. 教職員工聖誕禮物,目前家長會成員考慮投票決定或交由學校統一處理。

  3. 下次家長會將於11月11日下午4:00舉行,屆時會議中將選出家長會幹部。




總校長Mr. Murphy

校 長Mrs. Wilson


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