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10/4 Life Long Learner

In middle school, we would like to acknowledge two students this month. The first is a student who, despite being at HAS for a short period of time, has consistently stood out. He has shown that he has a strong work ethic and that he is determined to do his best in all of his classes. Congratulations to Andrew Kuo from the 6th grade for receiving our Lifelong Learner Award for the month of September. Next, we would also like to give a special mention to Johnny Wu from the 6th grade for trying hard and being more disciplined in his school work. Keep up the good work Johnny- we're sure it won't be long until you receive the full Lifelong Learner Award too.

中學部終身學習獎這次有二位得獎者。Andrew Kuo轉入新竹美國學校不久,但他學習態度優良,敬業合群,努力把每件事做好,值得成為同學位的表率。

另外,我們要頒發特別獎給Johnny Wu,他嘗試努力學習,遵守學校規定,你的努力我們看見了,Johnny 繼續加油!


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