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10/3 Lifelong Learner Award

Our first Middle School, Lifelong Learner Award goes out to a new student at our school. This student is already showing true HAS spirit in and outside of the classroom and his positive attitude is infectious! He has also shown that setting and achieving personal and academic goals are very important to the success of middle school students. We’re excited to see him grow even more as he is starting this new journey at HAS.


中學部這學期的第一個終身學習獎,頒發給一名新生。他充份表現出新竹美國學校的精神,態度積極能激勵同學,同時明白為自己訂定學習目標非常重要,老師們很開心看到他在新竹美國學校,開啟嶄新的學習里程。恭喜Riki Hashimoto

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