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10/15 Robotics Club

《Robotics Club》 Middle School and High School students have the opportunity to participate in the newly opened HAS Robotics Club, which is running as an extra-curricular activity after school on Mondays. Additionally, there is a high school elective robotics class as well. In these photos, students can be seen experimenting with VEX robots which they assembled. The robots can be controlled manually by remote controllers or they can be automated via sensors and programming. Not only do students get hands on practice with the materials as they build their robots, but the class also studies the engineering and creative design process. Students are routinely required to demonstrate critical thinking and analytical skills by writing up summaries of their tests. We are at the beginning stages of preparing a high school robotics team to compete in events around Taiwan.

《手腦並用的機械人課程》 新學期我們在每週一的課外活動時間,為國中部及高中部學生開設了機器人社團;另外我們也為高中部增設了一堂機器人選修課程。透過照片我們可以看到學生們正在測試他們組裝的 VEX 機器人。這些機器人可以手動遠端遙控,也可以經由感應器和程式設計讓機器人自動化。這樣的課程,學生不僅可以動手組裝機器人,還可以藉由機械人的組裝、編程和實驗,培養學生解決問題的能力,運用思辨力,分析調整機械人操作性能,同時瞭解機械工程等相關知識。 目前高中部機械人團隊,正積極準備參加台灣舉辦的機械人比賽,我們期待未來有能榮獲好成績與大家分享。


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