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10/13 Intruder Drill and Presentation

The school and Hsinchu City Police Department collaborated last week to conduct an intruder drill. The main objective was to simulate a scenario where intruders enter the campus and to teach the school and students how to respond and protect themselves. 😱💥🚨The realistic exercise deeply impressed everyone. The post-drill seminar provided valuable knowledge and experience.💪📚🤝

上週,學校與新竹市警察局聯合舉行了入侵者演習,主要目的是模擬歹徒侵入校園,學校和學生學習應對和自我保護的技巧。演習的真實感令人印象深刻 😱💥🚨,而在演習後的演講會上,大家也獲得了豐富的經驗和知識 💪📚🤝。


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