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10/13 Poetry Slam

Poetry slam For the past two weeks, the HAS seniors have been writing their very own slam poems. These poems are reflections of triumphs and obstacles they have faced throughout their lives. The writing of these poems were helpful to their preparation for the college application essays as they reflect on their own identities and how their struggles and achievements have helped form who they are today. At the end of the two weeks on a Tuesday they performed their poems live in front of a crowd of HAS students and teachers after school. It was hard work memorizing the poems and preparing the performances. The anxiety was high before the performance, but the experience was unforgettable! #HsinchuAmericanSchool #PoetrySlam #Performance 詩歌朗誦比賽 前二個星期新竹美國學校的學長姊們,一直努力寫作和練習詩歌朗誦。 這些詩歌反映了我們一生所面臨的勝利與阻礙。當我們反思自己所做的努力和成就如何幫助形塑這樣的性格時,就是為大學申請論文做了非常好的準備。因此在本週二,學長姊們利用放學時間,在老師和學弟妹面前現在朗誦了這些詩歌。 背誦詩歌並且在大家面前表演是一項艱難的工作,在上台之前大家都很焦慮,但這經歷卻令人相當難忘呢!


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