1/5 Global Citizenship Award
The Global Citizen representor for the month of January is a student who consistently tries to set a good example and excels both academically as well as socially. Additionally, he has great work ethic, shares with his peers, and was recently voted by all the elementary students to be the class president for the 2nd graders. The elementary team is proud to award Gerald Leung as this month’s Global Citizen. We are so proud of you, Gerald!
《全球公民獎》 一月份全球公民獎,獲獎的學生自始至終都努力成為同學的模範,在學業和人際交往都有傑出表現。 此外,他在班上喜歡幫助同學且樂於分享,最近還被全體小學生部學生,投票推舉為二年級班代。 小學部老師們,很開心將本月的全球公民獎頒發給Gerald Leung ,也為他的表現感覺到驕傲,恭喜Gerald!