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1/4/2021 2nd Semester Letter

Dear Parents/Guardians and Students,

We would like to welcome you into the second semester at HAS! We are very excited about the new year and all of the events that will take place at HAS. We would like to remind everyone that safety is still a top priority at our school and it is mandatory that everyone wear a mask while on campus and follow the established safety procedures while on campus. So please join us in support of our students and help us make the second semester even better than the first!


Mrs. Wilson



歡迎您與我們一同進入新竹美國學校的第二學期! 對於新的一年以及將在學校舉行的所有活動,我們都非常期待。 此刻想提醒大家,校園安全仍然是本校首要注重的大事,每個人進入校園內都必須戴上口罩,並且遵循校園內的防疫安全規定,讓我們共同為維護學生們的健康盡一份心力,在您們的協助下,相信第二學期會比第一學期更加美好!



校長 Mrs. Wilson

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