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1/18/2021 Lunar New Year Letter to Child

Dear Parents/Guardians

As we approach Lunar New Year, HAS would like to do something special for our students as a HAS family. We are going to do a special lunch for the students on Friday, Feb. 5. During that lunch, we would like to show our appreciation for our students and all that they have accomplished. We are asking our parents/guardians to help us with this by writing a letter to your child/children telling them what you appreciate or admire about them as they have grown. If parents/guardians would be willing to do this in a Google Form ( and share it with us, then we will print it off and give it to the students in a red envelope during lunch on Friday, Feb. 5th. We are requesting that all parents/guardians have the letter back to us by Friday, Jan. 29. If you have any questions about this please feel free to email us. We hope that everyone can join with us in celebrating how special our students are.


Mrs. Wilson



時序將屆農曆新年,新竹美國學校希望能為我們的學生們送上獨一無二的祝福。因此我們將利用2月5日(星期五) 午餐時間,提供學生們特別餐點之外,也要讚許學生們這一年來努力學習的成就。懇請家長/監護人們寫一封『給孩子的信』,告訴孩子在他們的成長過程中有哪些是值得感謝及讚許的。如果您願意寫下這封信,請於1月29日(星期五)之前,連結Google表單 並寫下內容,那麼我們將在2月5日活動當天列印出來 並且放進紅包袋交給您的孩子。我們衷心期盼能收到您寫給孩子的信,讓他們知在您的心中,他們有多麼的特別 !如果您有任何的疑問,歡迎隨時發送電子郵件給我們。




Mrs. Wilson


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