Mar 11, 2021
3/10~3/11 2020-2021 Science Fair
We had our Science Fair On Wednesday and Thursday this week. As always, this was a great experience for our students and a great way for...
Mar 5, 2021
3/4/2021 PT Conference
We had our third quarter parent teacher conference on Thursday. We are so grateful to be able to still gather together and support our...
Feb 23, 2021
2/23/2021 Grade 6 Class Reading Activity
As a pre-reading activity for the novel Iqbal, a story about child laborers in Pakistan, our 6th grade students needed to make as many...
Feb 4, 2021
2/4/2021 Pre-Calculus Class
Last week, the pre-calculus class got into groups to help their classmates review for a chapter exam. Each group was assigned a topic and...
Feb 4, 2021
2/3/2021 Life Science Class
The 7th grade Life Science class have been learning about genes and DNA. Today they did a lab on how to extract DNA from a strawberry. It...